Saturday, October 04, 2008

felt especially adventurous today. plus, my friends went to bristol for an open house which im lazy to go too and i have a family conference on skype later at 3pm.

nways. went to the city centre alone. took the bus, bought shoes (i cant wear my canvas shoes for labs. tsk), banked in my money (the bank was so well hidden from public view. wonder why. not to get robber?), bought a charger for my phone FINALLY! and had lunch at subway. the bread there was SO much softer (they didnt have the oregano one so i had cheese and herbs instead) than in malaysia. the malaysian subway's bread was sorta crunchy but it hurt my lelangit. hmph. oh. and bought a big bowl of bananas from the market for 1 pound. the strawberries, HUGE WHITE FRESH MUSHROOMS and all the other fresh food stuff was relatively so much cheaper there! the bananas i bought had no bruises (unlike giant) and was totally fresh and chilled from the weather. lol. and besar semacam. sedap!

i had the chance to tour around the city centre on my own. now i know this one shop apricot that sells super cheap coats and knit wear (20-30 pounds) compared to others (60-100 pounds). now i know how to get to the fried chicken shop, the guildhall market, supermarkerts, etc on my own. WEEEE~!! so much fun!

also browsed all the other shops that sells clothes and shoes. reminded me of nikiee. they sumhow have loads of "the shoe" that she likes. hmph. miss u ;/

oh oh. and on the way back, i took the bus. there was a celebration going on i think. a parade of somesort. there were police officers (the ladies wore hats. comel ^^) and men and kids in army suits (the green camouflage thingy)

then in the middle of a traffic jam i saw an old volkswagon van and a small car. one was filled with the brides maids and flowers girls and the other car(boot in the front, engine in the bank) had the bride (in a pretty white wedding dress with white and lilac hand bouquet) and her father. the father was smiling so BIG when he got out of the car. could see the happiness in him. so jealous. i miss papa. hmph. and in the background i could here the abbey's (church) bells going on full force! the melody it made was kindda cool. i think its gonna rain though. it drizzled a bit and its getting darker than usual (if it rains here, the weather changes slowly. whereas in malaysian it could be raining one sec and the next its sunny!). hope her wedding day goes on great!

kawa Boo! blogged at 1:27 pm

wedding!!!!!! heeee
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