Sunday, December 07, 2008

nikieebaby spent yesterday as her last day in college - doing a launching for her graduation project. ok. correct me if im wrong. not really sure u buat ape pun. lol. i just know its artistic!!! huhu. nways. SO PROUD OF U!!!!!!!!!! she was the emcee AND the event manager. the lecurer even said the whole batch did better (they we given 10 weeks to prepare) compared to the batchs before who had 24 weeks. awwwww... YAY!!!!

happy happy happy!

and i know how sucky it feels to have to leave ur friends(or get left behind in ur case). so enjoy tonight while they're still here. but yet again, there's bound to be a reunion in the future ;)


kawa Boo! blogged at 9:34 am

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its a graduation exhibition. set up gallery to show the works we've done throughout the whole 3 years we've been there. tak artistic ok, and its an event tsk tsk :(

and they had 28 weeks hahahahha

ok im done. :pppp
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