Tuesday, February 10, 2009

uh. okay. talked things through. me + nik = friends yay!

so yeah. he's human. lalela. we're good ;) it sounds sappy. but yeah. he's like that sometimes. lololol. not to mention the typos;

"so. that incidnet left me thiking. about the decisoin i made. and the effect of it. i wanna be a great leader kara. so.. it made me think really deep about some consequences of my decisions. it may be to my likings but may not be right for some. so to some extend.. this was one ( first) decision i made which i though.. was morally wronf base on my intuition. sooo... hahaha. that was what i was thiking when i walked down from campus that night. *missing texts. lol* u knwo.. i actually ran out of ideas to make u forgive me.. so. I almost bought 7 packets of cookies for this week - everyday u dont forgive me u get one. i was plannig to call ju to help. put it infront of your door then pg tadi. x sempat. i was late infact ! dah lah x mandi and all. tido pun x cukup. oh well.. it was either cookies or harassing you. follow you whever you go.. but then i though. i have to do my lab so xde mase. seriously !!!!! i was thinking all night ! ish. i slept at 4. set alarm at 7 to buy cookies but then too tired.woke up late Everything x jadi. lol ! oohh please !| and the drama ! the torture of thinking i just killed someone. i donno. i though everone was like judging me. you're the innocent young girl. and im the guy who i doono.. betrayed freidns ? sounds terrible !"

hahahah. i also felt bad since i sorta had bad thoughts of him like him tergolek down the slippery slope on his way back. haha. so yeah. we're even


kawa Boo! blogged at 1:21 am

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