Thursday, April 09, 2009

ok... ppl. things are getting wayyyyy out of hand. im single. yes. but in no way does that mean im lonely or in desperate need of a boyf. honestly, for now im quite content. (ok ok... i miss things once in awhile but thats it). ive got friends AND family to fill up most of that gap. so yeah. i'm turning 20 and i'm in no rush. if it comes, it comes ;))

*skyped with mama in japan with baby ayra, kak miza and danny*

ps. kak miza told me that her youngest sister broke up with the boyf and got another one within a month. thats nice. but i think i want to keep my list of ex boyfriends to a minimum. hmmm.. *wonder if its possible to have only one ex in life*

i told my mom shaun wants to come over to kl in august for a visit. (i'd LOVEE to show him all the places to eat - *looks at our body size* cause we have a passion for good food! muahahahahahaha!) so nways. wa wee... was she excited! hahahaha. no ma. he's just my classmate. yes, we're close but not in THAT way. and no ma... i dont wanna meet that "nice" man, 31 yrs of age (neil's age, mind you) who's doing his phD in Japan - - long story. lol. and omg. hahahaha. get this. mama said "ada yang cun tak kat sana?". HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA. comel la mamaku (the other day she typed "boo hoo" on facebook!). i refused to answer cause even if there were nice guys here in purdue(not implying that there aren't any), i wouldnt want anything la kut. i no longer believe that long distant relationship is for me ;))

(though... seywa and the boyf, or any of my brothers are good examples) and uhm. albert's cute. lolololol.

but IN CONCLUSION - i dont need ppl to hook me up or what not. well, unless i turn 40 and am desperate, i know where to find you ;)

and uhm. jason(who's in aust) just broke up with his significant other who lives back in shah alam. walao.. they were so in love ;/

kawa Boo! blogged at 2:21 pm

:) good things usually come when u least expect it rite.. so yeah, take ur time. i wish u the best kawa *winkwink
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