Saturday, August 15, 2009
omg. i had a great day today. went to the theme park with kak miza, danny, ayra and their friends and their kids. caught the 8pm fireworks. totally fabulous! decided i want to get shoes so will go shopping soon. took the train then walked home. really cool night opposed to the usual unbearable heat! then had maggi with telur. nyummm~
at about 1am AUST time, i had the best surprise!.. well, i guess u can say it was a good thing in disguise. LOL. shiewa called me on skype (which is weird cause she rarely does) and then tadaa... jason was right beside her! they watched a horror movie together before which made them think of me *awwww* and wanted to shove it in my face. hahahah. but omg! i think if it weren't for shiewa's internet restrictions, we'd have skyped all night long! lol. its so cool there wasnt any awkward pauses or anything! lol. missing them so effing much. feels like it was ony yesterday that i left college. we're close as ever and seeing them just give me flutters <3
oh. and to top it off... they kept puji-ing me! bahahahahahah. and they themselves were super vain. so yeah - -"
I MISSS!!!!! hahahahaha. omg. u have NO idea. its rare to find their kind. LOL :P
rindue rindue rindue yg mcm.... yeah. hopefully wwill get to see them next year... in july. *ehem* in time for my "surprise - but actually waiting for it" bday party. lol
pictures! - cam whores ;))

kawa Boo! blogged at 5:37 pm