Wednesday, November 25, 2009

i find that... family gives you love and security. limitless, mind you. and while they are away (a million miles apart or if they're just at work or even if they're at the back of the house), friends helps get you through life. they make everything seem easier, effortless and with the right people, time flies by.

i'm greatful for my childhood friend who has taught me alot about life(tasha)
i'm greatful for my kindergarten best friend(some chinese girl)
i'm greatful for my groupie in primary school before PTS
i'm greatful for nikiee who has ever since ALWAYS been there with me without fail.
i'm greatful for jaasy and my super fun highschool classmates who never cease to be spontaneous; i remember the most from form 2 and form 4/5
i'm greatful for my bffs and fatimah-ians in college for making boarding life something i now miss
i'm greatful for the past year. a lot was going on but time flew by so fast i didnt wanna leave bath!
i'm greatful for... having had the best 20 years of friendship i can ever imagine.

now. i just miss home. mom. dad. sisters. brothers? basicly family. my cats. sylvia.. cause without friends. well. im exaggerating but yeah. without friends, time doesn't fly by and hey, you get extra homesick! LOL.

*drama... begone!*

kawa Boo! blogged at 9:55 am

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