Friday, March 05, 2010
I've been naughty... Very VERY naughty...
I spent 70pounds within 2 hours when I suddenly had an urge to SHOP! lol. Gotcha there didnt I :P I've been holding the urge back for so long now. lol. Sorry baby. I know I need to save money.. But but. I looove the stuff I got! I FINALLY got jeggings (since I'm chucking one of my old jeans out) and a new jacket! Moreover, I exercised right after that!!! So I don't feel that bad :D:D
Oh. I even started work on my design project yesterday!
*pats self on back*
Gonna take a good long shower and get ready for bamsa meeting tonight at the new restaurant "Thai by the Weir" Yay! Happy Happy Joy Joy <3
...on a different note, I lost having someone to tell my day too ;/
kawa Boo! blogged at 4:19 pm