Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Inalilahi Rajiun. I just found out that my cousin, or rather my niece's (whom I kindda see as my cousin really, cause she's a couple of years older) mom, just passed away. Everyone thought she was recovering well from her amputation surgery (diabetes - gangrene) but I guess things eventually took a turn for the worst. Ina Lillahi Wa Ina Ilayhi Raajioon. God rest her soul. "To Allah we belong and unto Him is our return". Honestly, I didn't know her all too well. I mean, I've obviously seen her plenty of times since she is a part of our close knit extended family, but nevertheless I never REALLY knew her. Furthermore, it doesn't help that there is/was also tension between out families. But in the end, I guess those things just don't matter and we need to be there for those who need us, especially when it comes to family. I haven't actually spoken/asked mama about it as I only got the news through Lyana's facebook post. I wonder how everything is at home. I can imagine it being really hard especially for Mak Long. And it doesn't help that some of the aunties are away for holiday in Turkey to visit Auntie Uni. Nevertheless, I hope the tahlil is going well and that the family has enough support for each other. It really makes you think of how short life is though. Death. My parents are in their 60's and Alhamdulillah they are still going strong, even though they have minor discomforts that comes with aging. I guess that is one of the main reasons why I am so excited to see my parents come to Bath for my graduation (Insyallah) and to be coming home to PJ with them. Unlike some parents who would rather see their kids living their own lives (I've got nothing against this. Everyone to their own), my parents value the times we spent together and if they had their way, all their kids would be their neighbours! Even with my grandmother, my mom would make time to try and visit her every week or at least every other week. And growing up seeing that, family just becomes so much more important. I know I've done a lot of silly things when it comes to family. Things that happened cause I was either jealous, selfish, didn't think things through, or just plain self-centred. That is why before coming home this summer, I've planned a tonnes of stuff just to somewhat make amends to those I've wronged, but mostly just to spend time with the family. Nikiee's been working for the past year now and I don't know if I'm going to be as hectic or busy as her, but I want to start work knowing that I've got a solid foundation first... and getting a job... ugh, that's whole other story. So I guess, what I'm trying to say is, count your blessings. Care for those around you while there are still here. And even though there are rough patches here and there, you should always try to overcome them. Try to see things through their eyes and hopefully you can find a common ground. Damn I'm so bored :) kawa Boo! blogged at 5:36 pm
the chick