Thursday, August 15, 2013

City of Hannover, Germany. Hated the place the first month I was here, but its really growing on me. I guess a city you live in is only as nice as the company you keep while you're there. Had a friend host a small dinner at her apartment. Had Indonesian noodles with chicken aka bakmi ayam. It was simple yet om nom noms! Definitely gonna try to host another one on my side, one of these days. And we planned for a road trip to one of Germany's main theme parks in October! So looking forward to it :D

And another great news! Beata whom I met last December, a logistics trainee, will be my neighbour for the next few months!!! Well, neighbour meaning the next building. She's super nice! So looking forward to some girl time with XingYi too <3 :="" count="" gonna="" gotta="" here="" i="" im="" it="" leave...="" make="" miss="" my="" nbsp="" p="" so="" think="" time="" when="">

kawa Boo! blogged at 10:09 pm

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