Thursday, April 30, 2009
azmi was online!!! AZMIII!!!! lamanyer the soccer match ooi!
kawa Boo! blogged at 12:39 am
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Sunday, April 26, 2009
i've been
spending like a cow....
(thanks shaun for the insightful input of calling anything bad... a
cow - -"
ps. he also calls 'useless things'...
you daytime lamp! hahahahahha. comel!!!)
nway. what happened to saving up, huh kara? adui. not gonna take out money from the bank for at least 2 weeks! ;D
kawa Boo! blogged at 1:12 pm
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Wednesday, April 22, 2009
this is like
secret week. ugh! to many inputss!!!! i've been shocked (seriously did not see any of them coming!) for the past 3 days... consecutively! THREE TIMES!!!! wow. but its nice to know i guess? a bit worried for all the parties... (ok.. a bit is an understatement - im a girl! i think too much) but nevertheless nice to know. lol.
kawa Boo! blogged at 5:01 pm
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Monday, April 20, 2009
its been a great day! reached bath at about 11am, hung out at nik's. had lunch. studied a bit. then had dinner at mariam's and hajar's. got a HUGEE squeeze from b while i was there. hoho. fatin made nasi kerabu (sedap!!!) and mariam made the cookies i think. lol. honestly, tasted like gsc's caramel popcorn! hehe. watched friends and "10 things i hate about u" with syazeleen and all. hoho. later that night met up with shaun. talked a bit more then the boys sent me to the bus stop. hehe. woot woot!! ....downside. test tomorrow. grrr
btw. look's like my next year's housemates will be mariam and b ;D
kawa Boo! blogged at 12:35 am
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Friday, April 17, 2009
im procrastinating - not wanting to do work. tee hee hee. just wanna say i cant believe im going back home in less than 2 months! wow. has it been that long?? i miss my parents. and i cant wait for july to come. *sigh* there's so much i wanna do when im back.
1.get my driving licence,
2.go out with my friends EVERY SINGLE DAY that they are in pj! miss u guys so much kk
3.hang out with the family, ouuu. i miss our weekly family dinners! and maybe get papa to go to the mall with me to catch a movie. hoho.
4.go to parks with the kids, jog a lil maybe. no no. not maybe. i will! i'll even make myra join me. lol ;P
5.renew my passport
6.get visa - to go to japan, and maybe to the us?? :D horror movies with mama late at night while papa sleeps in the room. lol.
8.and last but not least,
a lil shopping :D:D:D:D
ugh. kk. back to work, kara.
- -"
kawa Boo! blogged at 6:01 pm
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dammit. its officially friday here and well, those effing
knots are back. one day left before i leave for the UK :S
ok. i really thought i was all grown up and independent and all... but yeah, i have my limits. i hate travelling alone. to newhere. and its even worst when it comes to flights! it just makes me want to stay put (no matter where i am) and not leave.
if it weren't for
nik and
shaun (sayang u guys sooOoOoo la effing much for that) staying up with me to wait for my bus and sending me off and well, giving me the pep talk and telling me im not the only one with silly fears, i would have just missed my flight to the US (i was so tempted, seriously!). but yeah. being alone just makes me get all emotional and emo and just feel so vulnerable it makes me want to cry and hide.... literally. ugh!
i hate this feeling. i really REALLY wanna be independent and all. its kindda frustrating when ppl see me and they instantly know(i put the word know. and not think. cause i know) im a... yeah. mama's girl. manja2. dependent. etc. its not wrong. i know that much. but its nice to u know, not lean on other ppl for support that much... like nikiee. darn i wish i was more like her! can u imagine she basically handled everything for her studies to go to australia on her own. flight, university intake, visa, housing, EVERYTHING! btw, im so proud of u baby ;D
okayy.. so yeah. now. what i need to do. think of good things. reasons why i should go back to bath (well, other than uni obviously. i need happy things!) uhm... uhhhmMmMm.. ugghh.. i wish there was a bus or something - -"
ok. im being childish. kara. *breaths*. k. great. im even shaking now. this happens everytime im in trouble *uhm* or well, when im scared. or is it just the cold? LOL. whatever it is. i dont like. ive got one day left and i just dont wanna go back. grrr.... remind me to never go newhere alone!
dammit. planning to visit roy and fam next yr. *sigh*
note: im pretty sure i've grown up a lot in the past 7 months... but yeah. apparently not enough.
i want my mama ;(
kawa Boo! blogged at 6:15 am
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Tuesday, April 14, 2009
randomis it just me.. or are my friends in australia (from KMS) getting darker? its either it's just my eyes, it's the camera or well.. it's the weather. hahaha. adeh. i miss themm!!! seeing them on facebook and hanging out smer. walao! having house warmings lagi tu. *rindue*
kawa Boo! blogged at 2:51 am
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Monday, April 13, 2009
2 buffets in one day - not good. but at least ppl here dont tend to stuff themselves up like typical malaysians would. cause i guess, buffets aren't big as we would typically see it as. (buffets with family usually lasts a couple of hours. lol!)
*ppl wont be able to understand the last few sentences. sorry. just woke up*
so, yeah. im dreading the fact that its my last week. lyle's friends have been asking whem im leaving ;/ i dont wanna balik can ah? ive got so much to do! ugh.
smlm lyle pull out my chair and as i sat down he pushed my chair in. WALAO! ahahahahhaha. thats the first time anyone did that (i remember seeing it in pretty woman. hahahahah) and hmm.. having lyle to be the first is pretty ironic. best giler kak lin! :P
so ok. stop procrastinating kara. need to do work! brb ppl. i will be blogging
if soon when i get sick of work ;))
kawa Boo! blogged at 3:12 pm
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Sunday, April 12, 2009
i went to one of the outlets in michigan earlier this morning. had loads of fun with lyle, raja, albert and aida!! hehe. i guess they're the type of ppl i'd hang out with. i like!! ;)) nways. spent about 130USD *gulps*. mostly spent on cosmetics though (90USD) - for me and mama. well, mostly mama but yeah. i still have loads more to get. if i dont have enough money then i guess i'd just get stuff for the family from the uk. my stay here has been fun XD cant believe i've been fooling around for the past 2 weeks! it feels so short ;/ and now i have loads of work. mainly (not including exams) i hafta do the CAD drawing, concept drawing and studying for manufacturing test. ugh! i miss bath but yeah. thinking of all the work that needs to be done makes me not want to go back.
die laarr....
kawa Boo! blogged at 2:49 am
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Friday, April 10, 2009
a few hours ago i skyped with the ppl of mak su's house. no, lana was not there *coughs* but hey. aunty ati was there! lololol. (inside joke. nvm)
so yeah. i told her i finish my exams the end of may and will be heading back home mid of june. coincidentally thats the same time a. ati and a. saniaah are planning to come to uk. woo hoo!!! they're into literature (jane austin) and heard bath is beautiful. yeah, it is i guess. but i've been here for about 7 months and yeaah... ok. lol. can't wait to finish this academic year! im gonna ask azrein to visit me in bath, i'd have the aunties for a few days and i'll be going to the alton towers with lan b joe. woot woot! <3
...all i need to do now is get through the exams. yikes! :S
kawa Boo! blogged at 6:14 pm
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Thursday, April 09, 2009
ok... ppl. things are getting wayyyyy out of hand.
im single. yes. but in no way does that mean im lonely or in desperate need of a boyf. honestly, for now im quite content. (ok ok... i miss things once in awhile but thats it). ive got friends AND family to fill up most of that gap. so yeah. i'm turning 20 and i'm in no rush. if it comes, it comes ;))
*skyped with mama in japan with baby ayra, kak miza and danny*
ps. kak miza told me that her youngest sister broke up with the boyf and got another one within a month. thats nice. but i think i want to keep my list of ex boyfriends to a minimum. hmmm.. *wonder if its possible to have only one ex in life*
i told my mom shaun wants to come over to kl in august for a visit. (i'd LOVEE to show him all the places to eat - *looks at our body size* cause we have a passion for good food! muahahahahahaha!) so nways. wa wee... was she excited! hahahaha. no ma. he's just my classmate. yes, we're close but not in THAT way. and no ma... i dont wanna meet that
"nice" man, 31 yrs of age (neil's age, mind you) who's doing his phD in Japan - - long story. lol. and omg. hahahaha. get this. mama said "ada yang cun tak kat sana?". HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA. comel la mamaku (the other day she typed "boo hoo" on facebook!). i refused to answer cause even if there were nice guys here in purdue(not implying that there aren't any), i wouldnt want anything la kut. i no longer believe that long distant relationship is for me ;))
(though... seywa and the boyf, or any of my brothers are good examples) and uhm. albert's cute. lolololol.
but IN CONCLUSION - i dont need ppl to hook me up or what not. well, unless i turn 40 and am desperate, i know where to find you ;)
and uhm. jason(who's in aust) just broke up with his significant other who lives back in shah alam. walao.. they were so in love ;/
kawa Boo! blogged at 2:21 pm
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Tuesday, April 07, 2009
nik found me on myspace and usha-ed. so yeah. i figured i'd take a look at who i was. its been ages since ive actually logged on to myspace. so cool. reminiscing things before aznal. when we were still getting to know each other. he made an account where i'm his only friend and he even promoted his hp number! so adorable...
...dammit. shouldnt have reminisced.
kawa Boo! blogged at 5:00 am
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Monday, April 06, 2009
i love my baby <3 *insecure*
ugh. i hate this feeling.
kawa Boo! blogged at 3:21 pm
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i miss nikiee... we were suppose to skype during the weekends. where you laar baby?
kawa Boo! blogged at 5:11 am
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Sunday, April 05, 2009
ok. no photos of last night. was too busy(?) haha. in a way. yeah. ppl came sorta late - well, later than expected. my bruchetta was slightly crispier than id have liked it to be but o well. ppl came late. what to do. had to oven it on low for an hour plus just to keep it warm! hahahah. lasagne was delicious! but i think i should have made more. org habis mkn ;) woo hoo! and uhm. mashies was fine. no coney dogs. didnt have enuff time cause i didnt wanna spend the whole party being in the kitchen thank you. chicken was prepped nicely but uhm. there were technical difficulties while bbqing. hahaha. but o well. edible and it didnt taste TOO bad since we cooked 3 bags of chicken and it finished! well actually, EVERYTHING finished. hahaha. wow these ppl can eat. and on an extra note - i find the bbq-er was comel in a teddy kind of way. LOL
at first, it was sorta awkward... there was like almost 20 guys??? and me. intimidating i guess. then i noticed, after everyone ate, the group splitted up to a few groups - ps3, poker, internet gaming and ppl in the den "jamming". hoho. i opted to be in the den. it was super fun! (later on, 2 girls joined us. and one of them was my junior back in high school) as i suck at drums now (walao! shah is so effing good at playing the drums!! totally impressed), i sang instead. hehe. i dont think i sound TOO bad. well, raja was obviously better than me la kut. well nways. all in all.. it was great fun. we even did SWEET CHILD O MINE! omg
nikiee!!! so reminded me of high school days. i was a bit angau ish masa tu. i was trying to remember how nikiee sang the part "where do we go now". seriously susah kkk! hahahaha. raja was playing the bass which reminded me of cha, there was no rhythm though (nadia), lyle was doing his thing *goreng goreng* and shah was on the drums and that just reminded me of how i looked good with drums!!! hahahahaha.
after that at about 1.30am, we watched 2 movies back to back. mirros (watched again. pretty good for an american horror) and chermin (ironic huh?). lol. OMG! cerita melayu tak boleh blah kkk!!! skema gila. and the lighting! HAAHAHAHAHAHHA. it was fun. by the time the second movie ended, it was 5am ish. so i slept in lyle's bed cause i was too super sleepy. i think everyone eventually left after the 2nd movie. hehe.
FUN FUN FUN! i like. hehe. so i woke up at 2 pm with period pain *dammit* and made corned beef for brunch(?). lyle wants sushi so we're gonna try out the best sushi restaurant in purdue (suggested by everyone who've eaten there),
maro sushi. hoho. after that we're gonna go for cultural night show or something. gonna watch the 2 girls and apa (who once spent 1000 dollars on a trip to new york and shopped while everything was on sale! hoho) do the zapin.
hehe. should shower. over and out.
kawa Boo! blogged at 8:49 pm
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Saturday, April 04, 2009
the night before last, went for
bowling. met a couple of lyle's older(compared to me. lol) friends. as the tradition carries on.. i managed to bowl the ball in the opposite direction... - -" lol. but luckily im used to it so it wasnt THAT embarassing. *adui*
the next day we had dinner at a
sushi restaurant. they didn't quite serve food like sushi king does (there's no kaiten belt ;/) but yeah. the americanised "fusion" sushi was actually REALLY good!!! i like. hoho. so i told lyle i wanna have sushi again before i go back. tee hee hee. but we're gonna try out a better restaurant ;9
after that, continued playing resident evil 5 with lyle on his ps3 (brings back memories of our psONE gaming days. lol. and the infamous "game buku". hehe) then headed to the sports centre to play
volleyball. met "everyone" there. they're really good at volleyball since they're in a team of some sort and have been practicing so i ended up jogging instead. the centre is like SUPER cool! the running track is on the second floor (second floor has a width of a about 2 metres from the walls)- one of the many perks of studying in the US.
so uhm. got back. watched "the ruins". felt like watching horror - supernatural stuff but most of the movies he got i have already watched. so yeah. opted for viruses instead. then slept. bangun2, got ready the stuff for
bbq! and im somehow hyper. im making lasagne, coney dogs, mash potatoes, bruchetta, bbq chicken and sausages. lyle even bought cheesecake for dessert! i feel fat already ;/ will try to take pics and post them up soon XD
kawa Boo! blogged at 4:09 pm
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Thursday, April 02, 2009
okay. haven't updated much about the
last day before easter break. so yeah. had dragster competition. bamsa night was a hit! hung out after that with b, nik, shaun and loren. by the time we realised, it was getting late. so decided to have a sleepover at my place with shaun, nik and loren. fun fun fun! in the morning, we were lazing around and not wanting to go mandi. lolololol. cam-whored a bit. tee hee hee. we looked sleepy, stinky, oily and totally not fotogenic! but what the he- its the only one that had a picture of all four of us ;)

lol. after that. we headed to bristol *allegedly* to shop for shaun but ran out of time and so ended up just going there for a good lunch.

nik and shaun on the bridge in bristol

me and loren on the bridge in bristol
ps. we look super effing ugly/cacat in these photos but seriously *off topic* the weather that day was bee-au-ti-full!!!
oh. and speaking of sun, this is a picture of us by the lake on campus while having snacks. woot woot!


pps. i talked to nikiee this morning! woke up at 6.30am. woo hoo!! i miss <3
ppps. just found out that syazleen (a senior of mine) reads my blog. walao! super creepy!!! lol. hello syazleen!! ;)))
kawa Boo! blogged at 11:14 pm
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Wednesday, April 01, 2009
so... hmmm. last night i slept on the sofa so id be able to use the computer. was suppose to stay up till late but was too sleepy. only made it till 10 ish(us time) i think. (uk time would be 3am) and yeah. either way... nikiee only came online at about 2 am. and i woke up at 3 am to see that she was already offline by then. ugh! this is so frustrating. i really thought id be able to talk to her when im here. but actually its even harder to talk to her if i was here than if i were in the uk! im guessing she's busy with classes... and shoan... and stuff. plus. she doesnt have any internet at her place....
*was this how u felt when i was in kms??? dammit. stupid karma*
im sorry but
i havent talked to u in such a long time. i dont think we've ever not talk for this long. i dunno why but i think im pissed off. i miss you ;/
kawa Boo! blogged at 1:02 pm
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